Saturday, December 1, 2018

Shower Power!

Today I had the most blissful experience ever: my first shower since my surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago!  I mean, just look at this face:

This is the face of joy.  And cleanliness.  And someone who will never take showers for granted.
That's right, I finally got my drains out yesterday!  That was an... interesting experience.  I was worried it would be painful, because there was a lot of tubing buried under my skin.  Two nurses performed the extraction in tandem, one on each side of me.  On the count of three, I took a deep breath, and then blew it out forcefully while doing an ab crunch, and at that moment the nurses yanked the two drain tubes out in one swift motion.  It didn't hurt.  It just felt... weird.  My drain tube incisions burned a little bit from the friction, but that passed quickly.  They bandaged me up and sent me home, with instructions to wait 24 hours before showering.


But at 2:00 pm today, I gleefully turned on my shower and proceeded to take the most satisfying shower I've ever had in my life.  I could write a sonnet about that shower, I was so moved by it.  But I'm feeling super relaxed from said shower, and writing a sonnet seems like way too much work right now.  So how about a haiku instead?

Hot water on skin.
Soap is the best thing ever.
The stink is now gone!

The other perk of having my drains out is that now I can finally wear normal clothes.  I no longer have to wear stretchy pants to keep from irritating my drain incisions (which, oddly enough, were located just above my belly button), and bulky sweatshirts to accommodate the drain bulbs.  Now I can go to public places without looking like a complete slob!  Yay!  This calls for another haiku!

I put on real pants
and sophisticated top.
Let's go drink some wine!

Alright, now it's your turn, my friends.  Give me your best shower or clothing haiku!  


  1. The closest for me:
    Shower after giving birth
    But man it was great!

  2. The best shower EVER was when my brachytherapy catheter was removed( by the way, the same way as yours.... 1,2,3 OUT!!!) I stayed in my shower until the hot water ran out.
    I am so happy for you. I’m crying. Now on for the healing and hopefully minimal treatment. Hugs sweet Em
