Monday, November 12, 2018

Sh*t's About To Get Real

Well, tomorrow is the Big Day.  Capital B, Capital D.  I had my pre-op appointment today to go over all of the procedures I'll need to follow before, during and after my surgery.  It was a little overwhelming, to say the least.  I mean, I'm a pretty organized person and I'm good at following instructions...  but that's when I'm NOT doped up on oxycodone.  Who knows what the addition of heavy narcotics to my bloodstream will do to my ability to remember the instructions, let alone follow them! 

This morning I did my final workout, a nice 6.5 mile run with hill and speed intervals.  It will be at least 6 weeks before I'm allowed to even think about running again, so I savored every step today.  The good news is that I will be allowed (and encouraged) to walk as soon as I am able, so I hope to do that a lot during my recovery.  Maybe not while I'm on the pain meds though, as I might fall off the treadmill.  Or worse, get lost in my own neighborhood.  I can just imagine the phone call now:

"Hello, is this Aaron?  Yeah, this is the Milwaukee Police.  We found your wife wandering aimlessly down Burleigh Ave in her pajamas, mumbling something about 'needing to get to the bowling alley for cosmic bowling'.  You know anything about that?" 

So, yeah... maybe no unsupervised walking for the first several days.

First thing's first though; I just need to get through this surgery.  It's going to be a bitch.  The nurse even said "this surgery is going to kick your ass."  Well, apparently this surgical team has not had the full-on EVILY experience before.  Because the only thing that will be delivering serious ass kickings around here is me

*wildly karate chops the air* 

(Tell me you're not picturing that in your head.)

I've come here to fight and win.  It may suck for a little bit, but I will get through it.  As soon as I'm able, I'll be back here to tell you all the nitty gritty details of my surgery.  Until then, think ass-kicking thoughts for me. 


  1. Know that you have lots of love and prayers coming your way from me :*

  2. Give it the ass-kicking of the millennium. You got this! Give ‘em hell.

  3. I'm picturing that karate chop all hopped up on pain meds...
    But in alm seriousness am praying over ya and will be not patiently waiting to hear from Dad how all things are going.

  4. Definitely get some written instructions. After a much simpler surgery (fixing broken nose/deviated septum) the doc apparently spoke to me but before I’d actually fully awoken. When I did wake up a nurse said the doctor had already talked to me and left. I guess I responded and seemed awake but I had no memory of it. And I’m sending out good vibes and prayers!

  5. My LOVE, hugs, and personal cheer is coming your way. Kick this was cancer to the curb!
