Friday, November 16, 2018

"Wow, they look really REALLY good!"

Yes, that quote is in reference to exactly what your dirty mind thinks it's in reference to. 

I had my first post-op follow-up appointment at my plastic surgeon's office today.  It was just for the nurse to check my healing and change my bandages, so I wasn't expecting anything earth shattering to occur.

But then I took off my shirt and showed her my boobs. (And just so you know, I don't do that for just anyone!)

"Wow!  You look like you had just an augmentation, rather than a total mastectomy with reconstruction!" 

Apparently people who have a mastectomy with reconstruction tend to have a lot of bruising and swelling and some bleeding from the sutures.   I only have some swelling.  No bruising or bleeding.  In fact, the nurse decided she wasn't going to change my bandages, but just remove them entirely.  Now the girls are free-ballin'. 

That means I finally got my first real look at them in the mirror, and I gotta say, I can see why the nurse was so impressed.  The really do look good considering what they've been through. 

The really weird thing about them though, is that I can't feel them.  I mean, they're totally and completely numb.  It feels like I have a couple of bricks strapped to my chest.  It's very disconcerting!  I know that I won't completely regain sensation, and parts of my breasts will always stay numb, but I wasn't fully prepared for how they'd feel right after surgery. 

You're probably wondering why I'd need painkillers if I'm numb.  Well, you'd be surprised by how it's possible to be both numb and in pain at the same time.  The painful areas are not the actual boobs, but the areas adjacent to them.  But good news: today my pain was so much improved, I was able to stop taking Percocet! 

And I think we all know what that means... 


That's right!  Whereas yesterday's post was brought to you by Percocet, tonight's post is brought to you by a delightful red blend. 

That means I can let out my inner "I love you man!" and take a moment to get sappy about all the incredible friends and family who have gone above and beyond to make my recovery so much easier and more enjoyable.  You all know who you are, and I just want to say to you: Your kindness and generosity are so very much appreciated.  I wouldn't be recovering so quickly if it weren't for your giving spirits.  I really do love you, man! 

I swear, I've only had one glass of wine!

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