Monday, November 19, 2018

Things That Suck About All Of This.. And Why They're Okay

You all know I keep a pretty positive attitude about this whole breast cancer / mastectomy / implants rigmarole.  My recovery has been surprisingly smooth, and I am very thankful for that.

But sometimes you just gotta vent about the little annoyances.  So here goes, in no particular order:

1. I am not allowed to shower until my surgical drains are out, which will be 2-3 weeks post-surgery.  Seriously.  I mean, I'm keeping myself clean, and don't stink (I think...), but I would really just love a hot shower!
2.  Speaking of the surgical drains... they are SUPER annoying!  At least I only have two drains (one for each boob), but having to keep them from dangling, tangling, and tugging my skin is a constant battle.  And having to drain them and measure the output twice daily is just...  well... icky. 
3.  I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than a jug of milk (8 lbs).  I mean, come ON!  I was doing bicep curls with 15 lb dumbbells before this.  This is killing me! 
4.  I'm not allowed to drive until after my drains are out.  I am a prisoner in my own home.  I guess I could have someone come drive me somewhere but...
5.  ...the only clothing that is comfortable to wear is sweatpants and a hoodie (with nothing underneath).  There are not many places I can go looking like this.  Maybe Taco Bell, but I really don't want to go there. (Does anybody???)
6.  My new boobs feel like bricks strapped to my chest - very heavy and tight across my chest - and I really hope it doesn't feel like this forever because it's rather uncomfortable. 

Whew! It feels good to let all that out!  And you know what?  In the grand scheme of things, those annoyances really don't seem so bad now that I've written them out.  There are plenty of people who also have to endure chemotherapy and radiation and multiple surgeries.  I don't know for sure yet if I will need any of those things, but I would be surprised if I did.  I have been so incredibly fortunate in catching my cancer early and being able to treat it in such a way as to essentially eliminate any chance of recurrence.  Two weeks of not being able to shower is so insignificant compared to the gift of being cancer-free. 

Of course, I'll let you all be the judge of whether or not two weeks without a shower is "not so bad".  Who wants to smell me first??? 


  1. Girl, I'm happy to ready that these are your worst annoyances. Your positive outlook is still winning!!

  2. While, I'm no fan of fast food places, Taco Bell has made effort to clean up a lot of their menu.
